Seminar 'Revised Directive on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing Activities issued on June 2019'.

The Pafos Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with ICPAC [The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus] is organizing Seminar on 27th September 2019 at the Educational Premises of the Pafos Chamber on topic 'Revised Directive on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing Activities issued on June 2019'. The main objective of this seminar is to inform the Members of ICPAC and other involved Businesses such as Law Firms of the provisions of the revised ICPAC AML/CFT Directive pursuant to the latest version of the AML/CTF Legislation. The aim is to touch upon the most important elements of the Directive, assisting thus the participants better comprehend and to implement these provisions in the AML/CTF systems of their firms. Participants will be updated on ICPAC’s interpretation of the revised legislation with an emphasis on Risk Based Approach, Client Due Diligence and Suspicious Transactions/Activities Reports (STRs/SARs). During the session, the speaker will demonstrate the application of the provisions using practical examples and participants will have the opportunity to discuss further any areas of interest.

The seminar will be conducted in English Language by Mr. Nassos Paltayian BA, ACA, CAMS, ISO 27001 LI. Nassos qualified as Chartered Accountant in 2008. He is also a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), an ISO 27001 Lead Implementer and an HRDA qualified trainer. He is currently serving as Information Security Officer, while simultaneously heading the Compliance Department of Abacus Limited. Nassos is also a founding member and Vice Chair of the Association of Certified Anti Money laundering Specialists (ACAMS) Cyprus chapter, Vice Chair of the ICPAC Compliance Committee and Vice Chair of the CFA Compliance committee. He also participated in the National Risk Assessment project representing ICPAC, as well as in the task force for the issuance of the FATCA and CRS Cyprus Guidance Notes. He gave a number of presentations on both Compliance and Information Security in Cyprus and abroad. Nassos interests include working out, the premier league, technology, politics and financial news.

The seminar is predominantly addressed to all AML Compliance Officers and directors of firms regulated by ICPAC, as well as to all Members of ICPAC. The Fee for the Seminar for Members /Affiliates / Students and employees of licenced firms and Members of the PCCI:€50 (including VAT) and forNon-members: €100 (including VAT). The seminar corresponds to 4  cpd units for full attendance.

For more information and Registration for the seminar please download the forms below. Register promptly to secure a place at the seminar, as the number of available seats is limited.

Anti-Money Laundering SEMINAR PROGRAMME

Εντυπο Συμμετοχης_Application Form Anti-money Laundering
