Ολοκληρώθηκε επιτυχώς το Ιδρυματικό Μέρος του Σεμιναρίου Ζωτικής Σημασίας του ΕΒΕ Πάφου «Creating Tomorrow's Business Solutions with Generative AI» 14/10/2024 & 17/10/2024.-Ολοκληρώθηκε επιτυχώς το Ιδρυματικό Μέρος του Σεμιναρίου Ζωτικής Σημασίας του ΕΒΕ Πάφου «Creating Tomorrow's Business Solutions with Generative AI» 14/10/2024 & 17/10/2024.-Ολοκληρώθηκε επιτυχώς το Ιδρυματικό Μέρος του Σεμιναρίου Ζωτικής Σημασίας του ΕΒΕ Πάφου «Creating Tomorrow's Business Solutions with Generative AI» 14/10/2024 & 17/10/2024.-Σεμινάριο ΕΒΕ Πάφου «International Business Taxation: Principles and Application in Practice for Finance sector professionals». 08/11/2024 & 15/11/2024-Σεμινάριο ΕΒΕ Πάφου «International Business Taxation: Principles and Application in Practice for Finance sector professionals». 08/11/2024 & 15/11/2024-EΠΙΣΚΕΨΕΙΣ ΕΒΕ ΠΑΦΟΥ ΣΕ ΤΟΠΙΚΑ ΕΛΑΙΟΤΡΙΒΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΓΡΟΚΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΕΛΑΙΟΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΣΤΑ ΠΛΑΙΣΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ OLIVEOILMEDNET-EΠΙΣΚΕΨΕΙΣ ΕΒΕ ΠΑΦΟΥ ΣΕ ΤΟΠΙΚΑ ΕΛΑΙΟΤΡΙΒΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΓΡΟΚΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΕΛΑΙΟΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΣΤΑ ΠΛΑΙΣΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ OLIVEOILMEDNET-Συνάντηση Αντιπροσωπείας του ΕΒΕ Πάφου με τον Πρόεδρο του ΕΟΑ Πάφου κο Χαράλαμπο Πιττοκοπίτη-Ο Γραμματέας/ Διευθυντής στο ΡΙΚ1 Πρώτη Ενημέρωση για τα έργα υποδομής της Πάφου-Ο Γραμματέας/ Διευθυντής στο ΡΙΚ1 Πρώτη Ενημέρωση για τα έργα υποδομής της Πάφου

Ολοκληρώθηκε με μεγάλη επιτυχία οι εργασίες της Ετήσιας Γενικής Συνέλευσης του Εμπορικού και Βιομηχανικού Επιμελητηρίου Πάφου, τη Δευτέρα 28/11/2022 στους ειδικά διαμορφωμένους και εξοπλισμένους χώρους του ξενοδοχείου Aliathon Resort στην Πάφο.

Το ΕΒΕ Πάφου εκφράζει θερμές ευχαριστίες, στην Υπουργό Ενέργειας, Εμπορίου & Βιομηχανίας κα Νατάσα Πηλείδου που έθεσε τις εργασίες της Γενικής Συνέλευσης υπό την αιγίδα της και τίμησε με την παρουσία της την εκδήλωση.

Θερμές ευχαριστίες εκφράζει επίσης προς όλους όσοι παρευρέθηκαν και τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους την Γενική μας Συνέλευση.

Ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες σε όλους όσοι ταξίδεψαν από άλλες επαρχίες για να παρευρεθούν, απόδειξη της αναγνώρισης του έργου του ΕΒΕΠ.

Γραφείο Τύπου ΕΒΕ Πάφου

Τρίτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2022

On Tuesday 31/08/2021, a meeting was held in the Headquarter Offices of the Paphos Chamber of Commerce & Industry among delegation of PCCI and the Ambassador of U.S.A in Cyprus Mrs. Judith G.Garber. From the side of PCCI the meeting was attended by the President of the Chamber Mr. George Mais, the Vice Presidents Mr. Charalambos Papantoniou, Mr. Stefanos Stefanou and Mr. Pantelis Evangelou as well as the Honorary Secretary of the Chamber Mr. Zenonas Zenonos and the Director of Paphos Regional Board of Tourism Mr. Nasos Hadjigeorgiou.

The discussion was very productive and focused on the relations between the two countries but also on the prospects that exist for further development and deepening of economic relations.

At the meeting was discussed  the situation prevailing in the local economy and the efforts from PCCI and  the private sector so as to overcome any problems and the negative consequences that caused by the pandemic and manage to continue the positive growth of the province in relation to the implementation of the new projects and the improvement of the infrastructure implemented by the Central State and the Local Authorities.

The USA can certainly play a very serious role in the Cypriot economy but also in issues related to security and peace in the Eastern Mediterranean region , something that will significantly improve the business climate in Cyprus.

The two sides discussed also about Banking sector and the improvements that needs to be done so as to facilitate foreign and local investments and find the ways of cooperation between businesses of the two countries and issues of investment in Cyprus on the part of American companies. Except from the aforementioned, they discussed ways of cooperation between the two countries in the fields of Tourism, Education, Health, High Technologies and Green Development with emphasis on Renewable energy sources.

PCCI Press Office 31.08.2021

On Thursday 05/08/2021 a meeting was held at Paphos Chamber of Commerce & Industry Offices among the PCCI President and Secretary/ Director Mr. George Mais and Mr. Marinos Stylianoou respectively and the Second Secretary of the High Commission of India in Cyprus Mr. Nandulal Bhookya.

The President of the Chamber, Mr. Mais, discussed in detail with Mr. Bhookya both the deepening of relations between the two countries and the prospects of cooperation between the business community of Paphos and the business community of India, a country with a population of 1,393,409,000 residents.

The President of the Paphos Chamber and Mr. Bhookya stressed the need for cooperation between the two countries in Tourism and investment both in the Hospitality Industry and the Real Estates.

Mr. Mais had the opportunity to discuss with the Second Secretary of the High Commission of India in Cyprus issues of strengthening the business and trade relations of the two sides. More emphasis was given to importing/ exporting commodities especially in the field of pharmaceutical goods, fertilizers, steel, and other products. The need for employment of technical and skilled personnel from India was extensively discussed. The two sides analyzed ways to attract tourists from India to Cyprus and Paphos in particular.

According to data from PCCI, economic relations between the two countries show a positive image with good prospects for the future. There is stability between the two states in the field of trade in goods and in services. “The investment sector is what we aspire to stimulate, strengthening the already encouraging data that have been recorded," said Mr. Stylianou Marinos.

Finally, it was decided to take place as soon as possible online meeting between members of PCCI and Indian Companies in an effort to find new forms of cooperation between the two communities and further development of existing ones.

Mr. Bhookya informed us that because of the 75th anniversary of Independence of India that is on 15/08/2021, High Commission of India is organizing a series of cultural events in all cities of Cyprus, including Paphos.


PCCI Press Release 05/08/2021

On Monday 31/05/2021, a meeting was held in the Headquarter Offices of the Paphos Chamber of Commerce & Industry among delegation of PCCI and H.E the Ambassador of France in Cyprus Salina Grenet-Catalano. From the side of PCCI the meeting was attended by the President of the Chamber  Mr. Mais Georgios, the Vice-Presidents of the Chamber Mr. Papantoniou Charalambos, Mr. Stephanou Stephanos, Mr.Evangelou Pantelis, Mr. Chrysanthou Chrysis and the Secretary/ Director of the Chamber Mr. Stylianou Marinos.

The President of the Chamber, Mr. Mais extensively discussed with Mrs. Salina Grenet-Catalano both in deepening the existing excellent relations between the two countries and for the prospects of cooperation between the business Paphos community and the business community of France, a country with a population of 65 million but also with great influence in the various International Organizations as well as with a leading role in the European Union.

The President of PCCI expressed his desire to the Ambassador to increase the presence of French Companies in Paphos and Cyprus in general .Except from the aforementioned, they discussed ways of cooperation between the two countries in the fields of  theme Tourism, Education, New Technologies & Innovation and general policy regarding the New Strategy for Tourism creating an identity, 'branding'. Mr. Mais had the opportunity to discuss with Ms Grenet for aid matters of business and trade relations between the two sides and to find ways to attract tourists from France with the first and best to establish more air routes with direct flights from France to Cyprus and Paphos in particular. Moreover, according to data from PCCI in 2018 36.5 0 0 French visitors arrived in Cyprus , while in 2019 the number of French visitors decreased to 31,114 .

The Ambassador Mrs Catalano discussing with the Director of the Chamber as well as attendees Vice-Presidents of PCCI stressed the need for cooperation between the two countries on issues of Capital Investment, Education, Renewable Resource Energy , Culture relying on our long history and brilliant archaeological wealth as well as for investments in Medical field. The Ambassador showed great interest in such partnerships and made special mention of the great archaeological places  that can attract a large number of visitors. Agrotourism, is a sector with potential due to Paphos countryside that we should promote accordingly.

At the end of the meeting , the two sides hinted that Paphos has all the necessary components needed to attract such investments and agreed for further contacts.


PCCI Press Release | 31/05/2021


PRESS OFFICE PCCI | 27/04/2021

The Paphos Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Electi Academy are co-organising an introductory webinar free of charge on blockchain technologies and their impact on business.

The Harvard Business Review reported a few years back that “The technology most likely to change the next decade of business is not the social web, big data, the cloud, robotics, or even artificial intelligence. It’s the blockchain…”. Since then, the work performed and funds invested in blockchain and decentralized ledger technologies have ‘exploded’ with at least 2 Billion $ invested in the sector so far.

Furthermore, the Cyprus government has already published a national strategy on blockchain (https://bit.ly/39aMBzL) and is actively working on drafting a legal framework governing such technologies that will allow companies and organizations to enter and meaningfully participate in the Blockchain market.
In this short introductory session we discuss what Blockchain technology is, its properties and limitations as well as several use cases in financial services, the legal sector, real estate sector, shipping etc. emphasizing the great potential blockchain holds in unlocking value for business.

• Introduction to Blockchain technology
• Properties, Challenges and Limitations
• Use Cases: Financial Services, Payments, Financing new ventures, Shipping, Crowdfunding, Supply chain
• National Blockchain Strategies and the case of Cyprus

The presentation will be followed by a 15-minute session for Q&A.

Price: Free | Date: 6th April, 2021 | Time: 10:00 am | Venue: Online

You're invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting | Join on your computer or mobile app | Click here to join the meeting







Dear Members,

We would like to inform you that at the Electoral Assembly of the Paphos Chamber that will take place on Friday, July 17, 2020 at 5.00 p.m in the Offices of the PCCI the members of the Paphos Chamber will have the right to vote, which by July 12, 2020 will have already paid any amount that is immediately required (including all Subscriptions and in 2020 as well as other financial obligations) by this member on the part of the Chamber of Paphos and meaning that at the date of the voting it has already completed at least six (6) months as a member of the Chamber. (paragraph 22 of the Articles of Association of PCCI).

It is noted that after July 12, any payment for voting rights purposes will not be accepted.

We urge our members to proceed immediately with the payment of subscriptions and other financial issues in the following ways:

  • At the Accounting Office at Paphos Chamber during its opening hours

| Monday - Tuesday and Thursday (8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

| Wednesday and Friday (8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) or

  • Through Bank Transfer - online-banking

           IBAN No. CY 96 0020 0660 0000 0011 0287 2200 or  


At the same time, we would like to clarify that during the secret ballot:

  • The vote of natural persons is given only in person.
  • The vote of a member company (legal entity) is given by an official of the company (Director or Secretary), which the Company notifies to the Chamber in writing 120 hours before the Electoral Assembly that will take place on Friday 17.07.2020 at 5.00 pm. (ie 5 days ago, ie Monday 13 July 2020) with
  1. the presentation of a power of attorney form of PCCI
  2. by sending it via email to info@pcci.org.cy
  3. either via fax / Fax at 26 944602

It is pointed out that the Company's Officials are the Directors and the Secretary who appear officially in the Certificate of Directors and Secretary of the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver. Please send from today until 13.07.2020 to the Chamber the last valid Certificate of Directors and Secretary of the Company.

The information is provided for the purposes of proper and timely planning, full transparency, and respect for the members of the Chamber but also to avoid misunderstandings.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation and we remain at your disposal for any clarifications.

Yours sincerely,

For the Board of Directors of PCCI


Marinos Stylianou

Secretary/ Director

The President, the Board of Directors, the Secretary / Director and the staff of Pafos Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI) hope that soon we will overcome the pandemic of corona virus and return to our daily lives and wish you warm wishes for

Health & Happy Easter !

In addition, the Secretariat of  Pafos Chamber informs its members and any interested party that the Chamber of Pafos during the days of Easter, the Offices  will remain closed tomorrow Friday | Monday & Tuesday. Offices will operate normally until 2-00 p.m from Wednesday, April 22nd.

Pafos Chamber of Commerce & Industry informs its members / companies as well as any interested party about the terms and conditions for incorporation of companies in the Special Plan for the Full & Partial Suspension of the Operations of the Company. The following are the terms and conditions of the two Special Projects.


  • Apply only for the Companies that mandatory fully suspended their operations in accordance with the decrees of Cyprus Government (for more information: pio.gov.cy/coronavirus).
  • For companies who employed up to 9 employees the unemployment subsidies will be available to all employees, including Directors.
  • For companies who employed more than 9 employees the unemployment subsidies will cover the 90% of the number of employees. The remaining 10% who will not be able to claim the unemployment subsidies, includes first the directors shareholders, or shareholders holding more than 20% of the shares, general managers and executives who earn salary from the Company. To calculate the number of employees that make up 90% of all employees, the result of the mathematical operation is rounded to the nearest whole number.
  • For the period for which the unemployment subsidies will be paid, the employer is exempt from the obligation to pay the wages and salaries to his employees who received the allowance as well as to pay the corresponding social security contributions.
  • The basic requirement in order to be able to participate in the above scheme is that the employer did not to fire any employee from 01st March 2020 and if the application is approved, any employee should not be dismissed both for the period of business participation in the Plan and for an additional period equal to the period of participation in the Plan, plus one extra month (except for reasons justified without notice).
  • The Company’s Special Suspension Plan is valid from 16.03.2020 to 12.04.2020, taking into account the dates of the Decrees of the Minister of Health or the decisions of the council of ministers on the compulsory full suspension of work and may have an earlier date of 16th March if the mandatory suspension decision was taken before 16th
  • Employees who before this decision were included in any other Suspension Plan (Such as Hotels and Catering Services) may, upon completion of the suspension period, be included in this plan.
  • In order to be able to participate in the scheme an electronic application (EEA.3 Form) must be submitted on coronavirus.mlsi.gov.cy by a person who commits the business in accordance with the relevant law. In this form the employer must mention the employees who will participate in the scheme.
  • The Unemployment subsidy is payable to the employees only if the employees submit the EEA.6 form “Declaration of Bank accounts details”. The relevant form can be found at coronavirus.mlsi.gov.cy.
  • The special unemployment subsidy for employees is calculated as follows :
    • For employees who qualify for unemployment benefit under the Social Security Act, at the 60% of the value of insurance units in accordance with the above law.
    • For employees who are not eligible under the Social Security Act and are insured with the Social Security Fund in January 2020, the January 2020 salary (insured earnings) or the last paid salary will be taken in to account for which there are evidence in the register of Social Security Services and a Special Unemployment Allowance will be paid subject to conditions, the amount of which will be determine by a subsequent Decision.
    • The maximum amount that can be paid as a Special Unemployment Allowance for a period of one month cannot exceed €1,214.
    • The special Unemployment Allowance is not provided for any period during which the employee receives other unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, special sickness benefit, special leave allowance or other similar benefits from the Social Security Fund.


  • Apply to businesses that have not mandatorily terminated their operations under the Decrees of Cyprus Government (for more information: pio.gov.cy/coronavirus), but they suffer 25% reduction in turnover in March 2020 and anticipate a corresponding reduction in the month of April 2020 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. If the Company did not operate in the previous year then the comparison will be made with the months preceding March 2020.
  • The following enterprises are excluded from the scheme: Supermarkets, Any businesses that supplies food, Businesses that are trading fruits, vegetables, meats and fish, Satellite and other telecommunications services, Power generation, Waste collection and management, Financial and insurance activities, including licensed banking institutions, Veterinary Activities, Doctors (excluding Dentists), Hospital Activities, Nursing Homes, Production of pharmaceutical preparations, Wholesale of Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies, Trade in medical and orthopedic supplies.
  • The scheme applies to all employees for businesses employing up to 2 people (including directors), up to 75% of the company’s employees for companies employing up to 50 employees and up to 60% for companies employing more than 50 employees.
  • The remaining 25% and 40% respectively who will not be able to claim the unemployment subsidies, includes first the directors shareholders, or shareholders holding more than 20% of the shares, general managers and executives who earn salary from the Company. To calculate the number of employees that make up 75% and 60% of all employees, the result of the mathematical operation is rounded to the nearest whole number.
  • For the period for which the unemployment subsidies will be paid, the employer is exempt from the obligation to pay the wages and salaries to his employees who received the allowance as well as to pay the corresponding social security contributions.
  • For companies who will join the scheme of the Partial Suspension Plan, the employer has the option of employing the staff who will receive a Special Unemployment Benefit. The employer will have the obligation to pay to the relevant staff the balance of their salary (the portion of salary not covered by the scheme) and the corresponding contributions to Social Funds. The portion of the salary may be differentiated if the employee consents to his / her working hours.
  • The employees, who will be part of the scheme and receive the Special Unemployment Benefit, may continue to work, provided they agree to do so. The balance of their salary (the portion of salary not covered by the scheme) should be paid by the Employer based on the hours worked. The portion of the salary may be differentiated if the employee consents to his / her working hours.
  • The basic requirement in order to be able to participate in the above scheme is that the employer did not fire any employee from 01st March 2020 and if the application is approved, any employee should not be dismissed both for the period of business participation in the Plan and for an additional period equal to the period of participation in the Plan, plus one extra month (except for reasons justified without notice).
  • The Company’s Special Suspension Plan is valid from 16.03.2020 to 12.04.2020.
  • In order to be able to participate in the scheme an electronic application (EEA.4 Form) must be submitted on coronavirus.mlsi.gov.cy by a person who commits the business in accordance with the relevant law. In this form the employer must mention the employees who will participate in the scheme.
  • The Unemployment subsidy is payable to the employees only if the employees submit the EEA.6 form “Declaration of Bank accounts details”. The relevant form can be found at coronavirus.mlsi.gov.cy.
  • The special unemployment subsidy for employees is calculated as follows :
    • For employees who qualify for unemployment benefit under the Social Security Act, at the 60% of the value of insurance units in accordance with the above law.
    • For employees who are not eligible under the Social Security Act and are insured with the Social Security Fund in January 2020, the January 2020 salary (insured earnings) or the last paid salary will be taken in to account for which there are evidence in the register of Social Security Services and a Special Unemployment Allowance will be paid subject to conditions, the amount of which will be determine by a subsequent Decision.
    • The maximum amount that can be paid as a Special Unemployment Allowance for a period of one month cannot exceed €1,214.
    • The special Unemployment Allowance is not provided for any period during which the employee receives other unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, special sickness benefit, special leave allowance or other similar benefits from the Social Security Fund.

Press & Information Office | PCCI
